My mother used to call me “last word Roger”
My sister used to call me “loud mouth”
My wife calls me a “Danish pacifist”
Which one do I think is the most accurate?
I’ve tried hard NOT to get the last word in these days
I’ve tried to tame my loud mouth
My favorite is Danish pacifist
Why? WHY? War is inherently evil
My favorite presidents are
Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman. After vanquishing their foes they made it
Possible for them to flourish under the banner of freedom and equality.
I’ve been accused of being a hypocrite for saying Truman was one of my favorites,
As he was the one who ordered two atom bombs dropped on Japan.
I agree to my hypocrisy on that account. That’s why I believe war is INHERENTLY evil. It’s hypocrisy all the way around.