Within Two Pyramids, A Great Teacher

I was struggling in eighth grade.

I wanted to do better, but I didn’t know how.

I had messed around for so long I didn’t have discipline.

Plus, I couldn’t read very well. When tested I read at a fifth grade level.

I was lost in an ever growing crowd of students. The numbers were shrinking me.

One day in eighth grade science class, my teacher started talking to me.

He couldn’t be impressed, I had received a “d” on his test.

After school, he offered to help me prepare.

Taking time to care made the difference.

I’ve attempted to contact him for years.

He’s lost in the growing #’s of Tom Talbert’s

I’ve read many articles saying helping a kid makes a difference

TT wrote me a letter my senior year in high school applauding my success

I’ve kept the letter, yet have not been able to thank him for making the difference.

I keep trying to find him, does anyone have any information that might help?

He took me kayaking in the Pacific Ocean one day in Long Beach.

He took me to Marineland with my two friends.

I forgot, I introduced him to my new bride.