Last week our youngest daughter wrote us a letter commenting on our “words for our last big plan in life before we pass away.”
Wow, . . . .
Actually, my wife and I have always been planners. For example:
Our first plan was in 1967 just before we were married. It was the first time I ever planned for anything seriously. It was simple and straightforward: buy a ring, make invitations, graduate, get a teaching contract, travel to the teaching assignment, have a baby, have fun.
Plan two, 1982. Change professions. Start a small two person management consulting firm. Stop having children after five kids. Move up the hill. Close out the business, move to South America for three years. Have fun doing all this.
Plan three, 2000. Create family businesses. Overcome challenges of family businesses. Still have fun. Make first will.
Plan four, 2020. Keep family businesses going, phase out management consulting. Have fun with the grandkids. Share the wealth. Create second will.
Any more plans anticipated? Of course. . . , our “last plan before we pass away?” No. More plans to come. We keep planning until we don’t.
I don’t want our daughter to worry. I love her. She’s the one with the quickest wit I know of, but she also has a very, very tender heart. I want to guard that.
Let’s keep having fun.