- Looking out over the Salt Lake valley and seeing the morning cloud layer hug the bottom of the mountains to the south, east, and west. It reminds me of the early morning cloud layer along the So Cal beaches where I grew up.
. - I like sitting on our balcony in rocking chairs my wife purchased and letting the morning sun coming over the Wasatch Mountains hit my face. Even when it is cold in November it is warm sitting in the rocker.
. - At night I like standing out on our bedroom balcony in the Avenues and watching the line of red car lights traveling south on State Street. It reminds me of driving home on the 405 Freeway south after work at the LDS Institute of Religion at USC. What’s rare is being a part of the red ribbon. All cars going the same speed, no stopping. One unified red light. It was like being inside of the light. Yes, of course, it was spiritual, being lifted away free of distraction.
. - Having five children with their spouses and children all watching the same movie at the very same time in the video room sitting on five rows of platforms with me sitting in the back row watching it all take place.
Of course all four occasions are broken up by life’s interruptions. Morning clouds disappear. Sun becomes too intense. Ribbon breaks up as traffic slows down. Some children decide to go their own way.
All this tells us is that the PERMANENCE of beautiful moments is a myth. But nevertheless when those moments occur, stop and take it in. Fleeting moments of the present is all there is. And good times in the present periodically repeat themselves. That’s the joy of life.