There are two types of people:
Those who are what they are; and those whose egos float.
Those who are what they are know what they like to eat, who to vote for, how they want their hair cut (I’m talking about guys here), don’t like to be pushed, and can be counted on to help a person in need.
Those with a fluid or floating ego are those who wonder who they are, feel like they have played as many characters as was needed to get the next role (career), never eat at exactly the same time, and speak many social languages.
We all pick one or the other. For me, it’s the latter.
I love who I am at the moment. But, I easily change, not because I get tired of the role I play, but because there are other roles to play. Marital bliss is interrupted daily when I eat at different times of the day.
But, just when I think I have this thing all nailed down, I say things that surprise me. For example, I was interviewed once and asked what I was most proud of in my life. It shocked me when I said, I didn’t miss bringing home a paycheck my entire life.
I give myself away with that statement. I’m a steady Eddie lunch pale guy. I am what I am.