I started out my life like most other kids. I was taught to,
Watch out for kidnappers. And, God is up in heaven.
I’ve built my life’s philosophy on those two ideas.
As of today, one is winning out over the other.
Which one?
If it’s God: It’s a pretty good outlook I’ve developed about god:
I believed in a benevolent god. He’s blessed me. Helped me get out of jams. Led me to my wife. Given me five healthy children.
If it’s kidnappers. It’s been a critical outlook I’ve developed about humans:
I believe humans are warlike. We constantly go to war. We kill each other. We cheat on our taxes. We die of terrible diseases. It’s Steinbeck through and through.
In the intervening time,
I’ve cut the edges off of both ends and moved to the middle:
God has helped me in my life. But, he’s not sitting out there watching over things. Rather, god exists inside of me. I have two voices. The one you hear when I talk to you, and the one I hear inside of my head.
The one I hear inside my head is god’s voice. Each of us has that second voice.
The world is excruciatingly tough and unforgiving – cold and cruel. We humans have worked hard to improve its conditions. Thankless, but occasionally heroes come along and push it in a good direction. Abraham Lincoln – how does nature make someone so absolutely necessary for the making of a decent national soul?
Sandwiched between those two points is this feeling of love inside of me that is so big it pours out of my body. If you love strongly enough, you can be hurt by love. Of my five children, two children have walked.
One child was scheduled to get back together with me. My grandchildren waited to see me. I pulled out at the last moment. Love hurts.
That’s my story up to now. Questions?
Would I Fight To The Death To Keep The Property My Wife And I Have Developed?