I have spent the better part of my life giving lectures all over the world on future trends. Naive optimism in the beginning often (and luckily) was more right than wrong. But, then I started creating models through which I analyzed data creating more pragmatic forecasts, and much better results.
Yes, I own Green Tea HP, thanks to my son, but in my present life I bring the tools that for thirty five years I have honed. With these I give our wonderful clients a glimpse into what America faces, and its course of action that will lay the groundwork for the next thirty years of economic growth.
There is no country, in my opinion, more dense, yet quicker to recover, when crisis occurs than America.
Well it doesn’t take much brain power of projection to predict that,
Once again, America is at war with itself. And once again, it is a war over the power of the federal government.
In simplest terms, one side wants to drastically reduce the power of the federal government, while the other side wants to retain a strong federal government.
No matter what direction you come from, we all meet at the same place, the central point of the power of the federal government. Whether from populism on one side or social justice on the other, etc., etc., it all ends up where it always ends up in America – a war over . . . the federal government.
It came to a head January 6, 2021 with the attempted overthrow of Congress. People died, and the judiciary has finally been enacted to bring order back to American institutions.
Ultimately, how is this bitter conflict to be resolved for this season?
The most eloquent answer is to give each side what they want:
Everyone will be appeased for a season as a multi hundred billion dollar infrastructure bill will be passed. This amounts to the federal government emptying its vaults in order to strengthen its infrastructure, but also to employ every able bodied citizen with a decent wage. Such a move will create new wealth for America for the next thirty years.
Every dollar invested will create five to ten dollars in new wealth. That will amount to between sixty to one hundred trillion dollars in new wealth over the next thirty years.
The best cure for a revolution is putting money in people’s pockets, and giving them the dignity they deserve, by allowing them to improve their standard of living, and saving for rainy days.
Some economists opine It will create inflation. Maybe, but I’d rather fight inflation than I would fight each other. Anyway, if you have enough supply of goods and services, and you have enough people with money in their pockets, you won’t have inflation like we did in the 1970’s, the high water mark of inflation in the twentieth century.
A new America is in the process of being born.
But, don’t get me wrong, there will never be a time in our lives when there won’t be strong feelings re the strength and purpose of our federal government.
Knowing this, the federal government has one strategy it must never abandon. It is to give back, without strings, hard money.
If huge infrastructure bills are passed, this will eliminate for yet another season the tension which now resides in the minds of the people over the role the federal government plays in the social, political, and economic destiny of our nation.