By now, you are worried about the virus. You are worried about your cash flow. You are worried about your jobs. You are worried about your children. You are worried about your mental stability.
Here are the answers: the virus will pass, there will be money, there will be food, there will be plenty of work, our children will be just fine, and we’re healthy emotionally.
I’ve gone through what most of what you are going through, and I made it through. I was hit with a deadly polio virus in 1952 that killed thousands. I lived. It toughened me. I’ve been through three bouts of viral pneumonia, and it toughened me. I don’t feel invincible, but I’m not fearful.
I’ve been in a position where I was two years into starting my own business, having bought a new luxury home, being a husband and father of five children, and contracts slipping away. I made it through. I just kept chopping wood and carrying water. Things worked out. Things always work out for those who just keep going. Again the whole thing toughened me. In the end you want to be tough. Otherwise, you just remain a little bit too insecure.
There’s lots of food.
As a child, I went through a lot of bad things. But, as a child I didn’t realize they were bad. Come think about it, they weren’t. Children are resilient.
I’ve gone through emotional ups and downs. What did I learn? It wasn’t worth it. Why stress your mind, when these things will work out.
Manage one day at a time, one issue at a time.