It seems like we’ve been hit with one problem after another. Inflation, Covid, and war. It appears that all these negative events have bogged us down to the point that progress seems to be a thing of the past in America. But, maybe not.
Inflation will shrink when the Fed raises interest rates. Covid will be seen as a yearly flu that can be averted by having an annual vaccination.
War in Ukraine is the region where world wars always take place: WW1- Europe; WW2 – Europe; WW3?- history seems to repeat itself.
Now for a tip. For those of you who want to break out, wanting for example to improve your lifestyle, or wanting to start your own business, it’s usually when the greatest amount of social chaos is taking place that the greatest opportunities present themselves.
BUT, opportunities present themselves in good times too.
There is no ideal time to start a new business – and there is no bad time not to start a business. There’s just the present time.
What do I know? I’m 77. My biggest risks in life have taken place when conditions were not the determinative factor:
I married my wife, Cheri, in 1967 (a wonderful moment). I finished my education (1968) and had signed my first teaching contract two states away while the Viet Nam War was raging (I was a 4F guy). My mother was dying of cancer (a very, very bad time, because I wanted to stay home and take care of her.) And my sister’s fiancé was killed as a forward observer in Viet Nam (an extremely tense and emotional time in our home.) In this instance, there were as many good reasons as bad ones to proceed forward with my teaching profession. The relevant point is not the weight of the good or bad reasons, but the DECISION itself.
There is no such thing as a right time to launch forward into a new life venture, there is only the moment OF decision. The world turns ON the decision not the analysis leading UP to the decision. Before the decision, there is only fog, clarity comes only once the decision is made.
So we end where we began. A lot of bad things have hit us lately. Many of us will be pushed along by the bad conditions which confront us. Eventually those conditions will improve and we will be pushed along by those as well. But, then there are those few who do not let the conditions determine their destiny. They will let their decisions clear the road ahead. Those few individuals will see the road ahead.