I was born with a fully formed imagination that was able to create outrageous stories.
For example in first grade I made up stories that I was blind in one, and deaf in another. Of course I was neither, but while I had made these stories up I was capable of believing them, at least until math and reading time were over.
On another occasion, as an adult in my thirties, I made up a story that I was a radio commentator, an international lecturer on world financial trends, and a management consultant to global corporations. At the time I was a religion teacher.
To the shock of those who knew me, I stuck with this story. Their shock turned to amazement when two to three years later, I actually did become an award winning radio commentator. I did a daily commentary called the California Report, where I talked about future social, economic, and political trends affecting California.
Simultaneously, I became a management consultant with clients that included international corporations, and I started becoming a public lecturer on social, political, and economic trends.
What some of my friends still haven’t completely grasped, is that accomplishment of great goals in your personal life always starts with two basic things: a vivid image you create about yourself in your mind, and the nerve to start saying you are the image you have in your mind.
When you start with those two things, subconsciously you begin hunting down small windows of opportunity to carry out your vision. Unless you have the image and the narrative, you never see the opportunity, let alone seize upon it.
Whether child, teen, or adult we accomplishment what we see in our mind. And what we see is what we make up. The key to making it come true is taking it outside of the mind and acting like it is true in the real world. After that it seems as though the world bends in the direction of your vision. It is a glorious thing to experience. Please try it.
Visualization pt. 2 – Creating The Future, Then Experiencing It