I don’t believe we know the real cause behind why we believe the way we do.
For short, I call this the cause behind the cause
For example, there was a time I believed what caused my discomfort with the way blacks were treated in America was the mean spirited policy my religion had toward blacks.
Then, my religion changed its policy, hence the cause of my discomfort went away – but only for a season. . . my discomfort reappeared.
I thought my resurfaced discomfort must have been caused by something in my background. I determined it was because I had polio, which caused me to develop a sensitivity toward the plights of blacks.
That was satisfying for a time, but fell apart when I realized that if polio did that for the empathy I felt for blacks, why didn’t it evoke the same empathy for those who suffer indignities of other sorts. Back to the blackboard.
Eventually, I came up with another theory that has satisfied me the most. I decided this is just the way I am.
For example, I’ve had this interesting habit of observing the behavior of college and NFL football players on the sidelines during games.
Specifically, I watch the interaction between black and white players during plays, touchdowns, fumbles, and series turnovers. When blacks stick with blacks, I feel uncomfortable. Conversely, when white and black players hang together, I enjoy watching the camaraderie as much as the game itself.
It adds up for me. When black and white players commingle, and they are very competitive on the field, I enjoy the game. If that’s not in play, I’m observing the sidelines more than I am paying attention to the game being played on the field. It bugs me. Hence I’ve been bugged most of my life.
Nevertheless, at the college level, If it’s working, I’m liberal in financially supporting the program. If not, I’m not.
Do I see progress over a lifetime of following football? Yes, especially among the new generation of athletes. Don’t tell me there hasn’t been any progress. There has.
I’m not blind, it’s not working in many other areas. Why? Like the cause behind the cause for my own belief, It simply goes back to the very beginning: Bringing Africans to America in 1619, chained up against their will, as slaves. It’s the way it is, because it’s the way it’s always been. Have I seen any progress since that time? Lately, yes. Remember the the marches protesting the the murder of George Floyd? There were as many whites marching as blacks. That was like looking at white and black football players commingling on the sideline. It gave me hope.
But, then it got compromised by violent bad groups on the fringes of the right and left. It’s just the way it is. The road is yet long and hard.