Americans are now fully awake. Democracy works best when all the cards are out on the table in full display. By that I mean, there comes a time when America’s institutions must be tested for durability, and Americans must be tested for loyalty.
We are in such a period right now. I don’t know what woke us all up to what we wanted our democracy to be; whatever it was, I deem it a positive moment in history.
I think we realize that the right to vote our conscience and our preference is the essence of a strong and authentic democracy. For a time I took that right for granted. But not anymore. If anything, I want votes to count far more. I want every single American to be able to vote. I want my vote in Utah to count as much as any other vote in the union.
Our local, county, state, and federal governments, as well as our financial system are being stress tested. They must serve the interests of every single American. They cannot function for their own interest. That is what we are testing.
This is a time of history making in America. In the lifetime of our nation, there comes these singular moments when we must choose whether or not the fundamentals of a democracy work. We are in such a time. No elite group of leaders or special interests make those decisions. Each and every American decides the fate of their democracy.
Make the most of this particular time, it only comes around maybe once in a lifetime.