I’ve worked out most of this philosophy on my grandkids. But, I think they have some universal appeal.
Philosophy one. When a grandkid approaches you, smile but don’t touch.
Philosophy two. If the little hugs your leg or waist, hug them gently, and say, “I love you so much.”
Philosophy three. Don’t complain about life in the presence of the littles. And especially don’t have old couple’s banter. It upsets the world order in littles’ minds.
Philosophy four. Let them talk. Don’t let your eyes stray or shut, because littles will walk away.
Philosophy five. Don’t ask probing questions. Littles don’t know what you are talking about. And if the questions have anything to do with school work, they might hide when you arrive in person or on You Tube.
Philosophy six. Laugh. Littles love the sound of laughter.
Philosophy seven. Avoid criticism of celebrities and politicians. It imprints on their brains. My mother criticized Frank Sinatra. It took me until I was in my thirties to enjoy his smooth sound.
Philosophy eight. Don’t act younger than you are. Littles love old.
Philosophy nine. No reason to ever get angry with the littles. If you do, littles will back away, and may never come real close again.
Philosophy ten. If there is a dog in the house, be gentle with it. Littles will be gentle with dogs when they grow up. If it’s a cat, just stay out of the cat’s way.
Philosophy eleven. Every once in a while tell a whopper of a story. You’ve hit a home run if they start to laugh and say, “No way grandpa. That didn’t really happen. Did it?” Only oldies can get away with whoppers.
Philosophy twelve. Afterwards, let them tell you whoppers. Smile all the way through.
Philosophy thirteen. Be gentle with littles. Adults will notice and copy your behavior.
Philosophy fourteen. When a little asks you to get down on the ground with them to play a game, don’t ignore them so you can continue to sit in the comfortable chair. Even if it takes five minutes to get down, give it all you got. They’ll get it and be tolerant the next time.
Philosophy fifteen. When they ask you why your nose and ears are so big, tell them, “ it’s because I’m old.”
Life at our age isn’t about our needs, Is it? It’s ALWAYS about theirs.
Oh, yes, if you are able, be generous. Every once in a while, tip them with some dough. When they ask why you are doing that, just say, “because you are so cool.”