Here I am thinking about being on the happiness road
It’s also cloudy and bumpy, at least the one I rode
I thought maybe I took the wrong road
So I went searching for another road
I started thinking
I thought
and I thought
and I thought
I’m still thinking
One day I thought
Maybe happiness is something I should be rethinking
Sometimes I’m happy
Some other times I’m not unhappy
Occasionally I’ve been unhappy
Mostly I’m just doing
what I do
Where does the word happy show up?
When does it show up?
It’s pretty new
Maybe a bit later, that makes it really new
John Locke
John Locke
In your mind was unlocked
The phrase
In pursuit of happiness
It is now our most famous phrase
In the Christian world
Happiness comes
When you are dead and in heaven
And then only if you qualify for heaven
In pursuit of happiness
Suits me
Maybe the idea of a happiness road
Is what I mean
I’ve worked hard
It’s caused feelings of happiness
Not all the time
There are pain filled times
The death of my people
Along that way is a trail of tears
I know what sad is
Depression too
What has occupied my journey most of the time?
Not all the time
But happiness is there much of the time