3 – Business Is A Chess Match

In business, each person is a chess piece. Every piece plays a role until it is taken off the board. In the end the only player left on the board is the king.
In business the king is the CEO. In other words, a corporate environment does not exist to take care of you. Hence, you must realize that your first obligation is to take care of yourself. Self reliance is the first order of business. In the end, happiness comes as a result of not depending on any company or organization for your security. Think of yourself, not as a chess piece, but as a hired gun. You’re there to do a job. You expect to be paid fairly, and then you are moving on. The moment you’re not treated fairly, you’re out of there.
I learned that even before I became a consultant. If I felt I wasn’t treated equitably, I was ready to move on. That way, I always put myself in the hunt for better things.
The only obligation I had was to ensure my family was always taken care of financially. Other than that, I was in the hunt if I did not feel I was being compensated and positioned correctly. Instead of a chess piece, you are a hired gun. That makes all the difference in your success.