Lesson 1. No position in a corporate environment is without its risks:
No matter what level you work at in a corporate environment, you are at risk of losing your job. In a capitalist system, profit is its sole purpose for existence. Your only protection against being eliminated is if you are necessary in the creation of profit. If not, no matter how talented, effective or pleasant you are, it is a 100% assurance you will be let go. The only thing that keeps capitalist endeavors from being overthrown is the fact that it is inherently fair. Everyone is at RISK.
That being the case, you must SAVE money. However, the inability of most folks to save much money concerns me greatly, because the risk of being cut from the workforce is growing. With the advent of advancement of technology in the area of artificial intelligence, fewer and fewer workers will be needed.
So, simply put, there are no guarantees. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone. Not even for trust babies.
There is, however, an appropriate counterpoint to this kind of risk. The time has arrived to guarantee cash in the pocket of every American citizen. Risk in America is becoming more pronounced. It is just a matter of time before all of us will experience permanent dislocation. To counteract this, a guarantee of $1k to every American citizen each month will work as a necessary counter weight.
Bold steps like this are not unheard of in history. In the first millennium BC, ancient Israel had what was called a jubilee celebration every seven years where debts were forgiven for the poor. This was done in order to guarantee that the poor did not remain permanently enslaved to the rich.
For us in our time, the necessity has arrived to guarantee an income against the growing plague of employment destruction. Indeed, that would be a jubilee celebration.
Part 2 – Shoot All Your Bullets, Leave Your Holster Empty: