It’s important to push your thinking forward. You’re no better as a person than you are, or are becoming as a clear thinker.
Here are some new ideas I’ve been working on to improve my own thinking.
1. “The limit of my language is the limit of my reality.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein.
2. If you are lucky, in your lifetime, you may interact directly with a genius. You will know it the moment you experience it. Invite yourself to be associated with that person for as much as each of you can tolerate one another.
3. If you are good at something, keep getting better and better at it, until you get less better, then start getting better at something else.
4. 99.9% of all people in their off hours talk about the same things. You have two choices to improve your thinking in such cases: go back to work, or try to improve the off hours conversation.
5. No one knows what’s going on in my brain, not even me; that is, until I say something, and even then, what I say may not reveal my motivation.
6. Breakthrough ideas almost always start out as threatening. Wait a while and as the idea appears to have some logic tied to it, it will slowly be accepted.
7. If a thought has no logic to it, it will fail to develop. It will get caught up in circular reasoning. In other words, you will repeat your flawed argument until you end up where you began.
8. War is evil, but inevitable. That’s because humans have evolved to behave thusly.