I’ve learned one thing about the so-called RIGHT TIME.
- the right time to get in business
- the right time to get a product to market
- the right time to make your million.
It’s all wrong.
The right time is any time YOU choose it to be.
I was 39 when I left being a religion instructor and became a management consultant. I knew nothing about business. However, I knew what I wanted to do, I knew what I was going to do, I knew what I had to do. And I did it.
There are a lot of guys like me.
One time I heard an interview where the expert in technology said that if you were not a Microsoft or a Google, you had no chance of winning in the new digital world. “They own the platforms,” he said.
Then came Apple. Apple didn’t own the platform, but it did make machines (computers), which at present Is the most valuable company in the digital world. And at another time, one of my friends, who was one of the great technical minds in the world, told me Apple would never be able to compete with IBM. (He was almost right, but only almost).
Then came Amazon that delivers packages of all things.They now compete for the most valuable company in the world, using the digital platform.
Or, when Elon Musk and SpaceX shot a rocket into space and then had it land on a flat platform back on earth. Musk is now the richest man in the world.
It’s a human tragedy when someone in authority tries to curtail another human’s vision of personal progress and accomplishment. We humans, especially we parents, and grandparents, and teachers, and coaches, and religious leaders, and peers, should give our precious others the broadest canvas possible to envision and experiment with what is possible to be created.
I now believe more than ever that the greatest service I can offer to those who read my essays is to insist they create a vision statement. Dream big about your future. Bend the future in the direction of the biggest dream you can possibly imagine. And still it will not be enough to take in what is possible to envision about yourself. Do not hold back. The unimaginable does not exist. You can’t out imagine yourself.
Where did that theory come from inside of me?
Originally, it came from the religious environment I was born into. I am a descendent of pioneer great grandparents and grandparents who were converts to Mormonism in Denmark. They heeded the call of Brigham Young to come to Utah. That was in 1873.
This was a religion based on visions and revelations. I knew nothing else growing up.
Next, it was natural that eventually I would experiment with my own visions and revelations. Not about creating a new religion, but about the trajectory of my own life’s work. You heard about that at the beginning of this essay.
So, I believe if you form that vision in your head, and with unremitting energy pursue that vision, it’ll come to fruition. Remember, the vision can never be too great.
Remember, we now have robots roaming Mars.
The universe bends in the direction of your vision.
I love you.