I live in perfect bliss in Salt Lake City. Though fairly cosmopolitan, it carries the reputation of the state in which it finds itself.
And what is that reputation? Ultra red conservative. The state overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump twice. And the majority of Utahns believe the 2020 presidential election was won by Trump.
This is perfect fodder for me. It’s not so much that I am a political being, as it is I’m a contrarian being. In other words, on most issues Utahans feel strongly about, I automatically take the opposite position.
I am perfectly happy doing this, because this position paints me as a liberal. I like feeling liberal. At least I like it more than feeling like a conservative. This leads me to a slight contradiction in my personality.
When I lived in Southern California, I was the opposite of what I am in Utah. There, I was a moderate conservative. Without belaboring the point too much, it’s a quirk in my personality. I am a perfect contrarian to the prevailing attitude of the community in which I live.
Presently, I am inching back to So Cal. We may even buy a condo down there, and I will begin spouting conservation political philosophy.
Do I have a preference for Utah or So Cal? I would rather live in Utah if I had to make a choice between the two places. Why? I like being liberal more than being conservative. And the only way to do it for now is to live in a place that brings about the contrarian reflex in me.
Christofer Volkay: “Nothing true requires belief. We all need to be the captains of our own canoes, because there is nobody else except you.”
“Try your best to combat atrophy and routine. . . All is to be doubted”. – Christopher Hitchins
“. . . He was a conservative because he was surrounded by liberals.” He would have been a revolutionary . . . “If that had been required to be socially disruptive.” – William. F. Buckley – “Man and god at Yale, the superstitions of academic freedom”
“Read what everyone else is reading, then read what they aren’t reading.” – Roger Hendrix – My constant Council to my children growing up.