My grandson came into our kitchen, where the extended family had gathered for a holiday meal, and asked me what the passcode was to get onto the internet. I said I didn’t know. He left for about five minutes and came back and asked me the same question. Again I replied the same way. Again he left, but I knew he would return, so I asked my wife what it was. She didn’t know but started looking for it amidst papers on the kitchen desk. After a while, the entire group was giving their opinion on where we could find it. Eventually we did, and my grandson was able to hook into our internet and play a game.
My grandson holds the key to the heart of all successful ventures in life, especially those having to do with business.
I’ve written many articles on the keys to being successful in business. Only one matters for success. You must always ask for the order. That’s what my grandson did. He asked for the passcode until he got it.
There are so many different qualities one can implement to be successful once they have secured a contract. But until you have a contract, nothing starts.
I was good at certain things as a businessman, but I wasn’t good in all possible qualities. That’s the same with all businesspeople. But, there’s one thing all successful business people have in common: we asked for the order, I.E. we asked for the contract.
I always ask for the order. I was like my grandson that way. In ninth grade my friend was handing out invitations to a party. I went up and said I want an invite. I did that twice in junior high school. Of the two, I received an invitation to one. One for two is better than 0 for 2. My mother told me not to do that. It wasn’t polite, she said. I never followed her advice. Good for me. It was good training.
The next time I did that kind of thing was when I was a Mormon missionary in Argentina. As missionaries we had to memorize six lessons we gave to prospective members. But, wouldn’t you know, the leaders of the church had us asking investigators to be baptized on the very first lesson and at the beginning of the first lesson no less. The church has been criticized for such a practice. I say, what the hell, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. I have no problem .
If you are in business for yourself, or you are in sales, etc., etc if you don’t ask for the order, you will starve.
For those who dread asking for things, here is a tip. Just say, I want to do business with you. I’ve said this at least a thousand times. 75% say No. 15% say, I’m not sure. 10% say Yes. Those 10% have made me a rich man. And, I’ve helped that 10% get what they wanted.
It’s the only way to get what you want in life. You ask. “Wasn’t it kinda a little bit hard doing it?” Yep. But, life is hard. Do hard things. If it’s hard, it’s good.