This Is Why You’re Always Tired

You wake up tired.

You’re tired before lunch, and really tired after.

You arrive home ready to fall into the couch.


The answer may be to make one, or a few small adjustments during your day.

Let’s take a look at some of the main reasons you may be tired.

Missing Breakfast: It’s the most important meal of the day for a reason. That reason is, breakfast kickstarts your body’s engine early. During sleep, your body’s metabolism slows down. By eating breakfast, you are prepping your body for the entire day.

You Need More Water: Being dehydrated may be the most common reason people feel tired throughout the day. Having even a slight drop in fluid levels, as little as 2% can have a noticeable effect on your energy levels. You should be drinking around 1 ounce of water for every pound you weigh. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water each day.

Too Much Junk Food: Eating foods high in simple sugars and simple carbs causes spikes in blood sugar. These blood sugar spikes are followed by fatigue or “ the crash”, which can last for hours. Eating whole grains and protein for every meal will keep your blood sugar level, protecting you from that after-lunch crash.

You Let Stress Win: There are things in this life we can control, and things we cannot. This is easier said than done for many of us. Stress and anxiety can be mentally exhausting. Take a break, a walk, or even a few deep breaths if you start feeling stressed.

The “Nightcap”: Having a drink before bed may be a age-old trick to relax before bed, but it may not be helping you. In fact, it may be doing more harm than good. Alcohol has the initial calming effect on the nervous system, but as it metabolizes, it creates a surge in adrenaline, making you more likely to wake up in the middle of the night.

Late Night Lights: Keeping your smartphone, tablet, or computer on as you near your bedtime, means your body doesn’t receive the natural signals to wind-down for sleep. This is because your body will not produce melatonin (a hormone, which regulates sleep cycles) if your brain is still being told to focus.

You Don’t Have A Pattern: Your body likes to work in cycles. If you go to bed at 11:00 Monday – Friday, then stay up until 1:00 on the weekends, your body’s cycles and rhythm will be thrown off. Leaving your head on the pillow, but unable to shut down.

A few adjustments to the things you already do every day can have a dramatic impact on your life. These adjustments will eventually turn into habits.